The Project

Why This Site?

Since the project’s inception, we have observed good wind speeds within the area and have been working on a suitable design which reduces the impact on sensitive environments and species.

When designing the layout, we have considered many aspects of the local environment to reduce the impact of the proposed development such as:

  • Landscape and Visual Effects
  • Peat Depth
  • Flora and Fauna
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Watercourses
  • Avoiding any National Designations

Proposed Development

  • Wind farm and energy storage with an output of over 20MW
  • 4 Turbines with a tip height of up to 135m
  • Turbine hardstandings and laydown areas
  • Access tracks
  • Watercourse crossings
  • Temporary construction compounds
  • Switching station and control room
  • Borrow pit search areas
  • 10m meteorological mast
  • 30-year operational life

Access and Transport

Access to the site would be taken from a junction on the A836, located to the south of the Feith Osdail bridge. To minimise construction traffic, access for abnormal loads associated with the turbines is expected to be from the port at Invergordon through to the site via the A9 and A839.

Turbine components will be delivered on specialist trailers. The longest, widest and heaviest will be escorted by the Police (at the developer’s expense) to ensure the highest standards of road safety. On site, loads will be assembled using a large crane and then bolted to the foundations. Delivery of turbine components is expected to last up to two months, if the project is consented.



Our project materials are available below and on The Highland Council Planning Portal.

Supplementary Environmental Information

Site Plans

Location Plans


General Plans

Location Plans


Site Layout Plans

Section Plans

Visual Information

Further Supporting Information

