Community Benefit Fund Commitment
We have agreed our Community Benefit Fund and Local Infrastructure Fund mechanisms with Lairg & District Community Council. We are committed to providing a Community Benefit Fund of £5,000 per MW of installed capacity per year.
Overall, REG’s contribution to local projects, initiatives and good causes would be within the range of £50,000 to £84,000 per annum or equivalent, for the operational lifetime of the wind farm. This fund was agreed with the Chair of Lairg Community Council in February 2019 to directly benefit the community of Lairg and District without precedence being given to one particular area.
Click the links to download the correspondence confirming the Community Benefit Fund:
Landowner Local Infrastructure Fund
In addition to the Community Benefit Fund that will be put forward, Paul landowner of Strath Tirry Woodlands, has pledged to contribute one year of Community Benefit Funding to a Local Infrastructure Fund for the immediate local community. Of this contribution, £20,000 is to be donated in the year that the turbines are installed. In the five years following this, the landowner will contribute annually into the fund.
This fund was also agreed with the Chair of Lairg & District Community Council in February 2019 and will be for the benefit of neighbours in Blairbuie and the Wider Shinness area, for projects such as amenity improvements and energy efficiency.
Click the links to download the correspondence confirming the Local Infrastructure Fund: